
What is Karuna Reiki

Karuna Reiki‘Karuna’ is a Sanskrit word meaning any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others & hence; ‘Karuna’ means compassionate action guided by wisdom. It is deep and vast guided life force energy. It evolved out of the Usui Reiki System. It makes use of intuitive guidance also.‘Karuna’ Reiki awakens our universal compassion, inviting us to work with stronger and more influential healing energies. These energies can heal more deeply and more complex issues. ‘Karuna’ Reiki can heal issues like general trauma to complex infections and diseases. Moreover, connecting to ‘Karuna’ Reiki also increases/strengthens our connection with high vibrational spiritual guidance.Karuna is the motivating, positive and influential quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. They continuously send unlimited amount of healing energies and guidance to all that are noticeably strong. Developing Karuna in yourself and others, quickens the healing. Karuna Reiki opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings; those on Earth / physically present as well as those in spirit. The compassionate action of Karuna comes from this source of unconditional love and wisdom which leads to enlightenment.When one experiences enlightenment, a sense of soft feeling for all beings comes and one feels that all beings are one. Therefore, it is natural to extend compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction because we are all one. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit. Because of the oneness of all beings, it is understood that Karuna is not only extended to others out of love, but also because it is an entirely logical thing to do. In the same way that you would want to heal your own wounds, you would also want the wounds of others to heal. The Buddhist literature also states that Karuna must be accompanied by wisdom or ‘Parjna’ in order to have the right effect.